Why do some podcasts fail?

Leo Menéndez
por que fracasan

The fear of not achieving our goals can paralyze us. However, the answer to the question of why some podcasts fail can illuminate the path of content creation.

It is clear that podcasts have become a popular form of entertainment and learning.

More and more people choose to listen to podcasts to stay informed, explore their interests, and enjoy diverse content while on the go, doing daily tasks, or simply seeking moments of relaxation.

With the rise of this format, many content creators are venturing into the world of podcasts with the hope of achieving success and finding a loyal audience.

However, not all podcasts manage to achieve their goals, and many of them end up failing.

That's why it is essential to understand the reasons behind these failures and thus avoid making the same mistakes, improving our chances of success.

In this article, we will explore the main reasons why some podcasts fail nd how we can avoid falling into those traps.

We will address different aspects that can influence the performance of a podcast, from the initial motivations to the quality of production and the challenge of attracting a loyal audience.

By understanding these challenges and learning how to overcome them, we will be better equipped to create a successful and profitable podcast.

Throughout the article, we will examine each of these points and provide practical tips to help you avoid the most common obstacles that can lead to the failure of a podcast.

Remember that, while there is no guaranteed formula for success, learning from past experiences and applying best practices can significantly increase our chances of succeeding in the world of podcasting.

Don't be afraid of failure and dare to succeed with your podcast."

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The motivations that can lead to failure

The launch of a podcast is driven by certain motivations, such as the desire to share knowledge, entertain listeners, or build a personal brand. construir una marca personal.

However, not all motivations are equally effective, and some can lead to the failure of a podcast if not addressed appropriately.

First and foremost, it's important to have clarity about our motivations when starting a podcast.

  • What is our main goal?
  • Do we want to generate income?
  • Build a loyal audience?
  • Raise awareness of our services?
  • Enjoy the content creation process?

If our motivations are not aligned with reality or lack a clear focus, we are more likely to face difficulties along the way.

One of the most common mistakes is starting a podcast with the hope of quick profits.

If our main motivation is monetary, it's important to understand that income may take time and require a solid strategy.

Impatience and the lack of immediate results can lead to discouragement and premature abandonment of the project.

Instead, it is advisable to set realistic goals and work consistently and committedly to achieve them.

Furthermore, some people may start a podcast without a genuine passion for the subject or without a lasting interest in content creation.

It is crucial that our motivation comes from an authentic place and that we are willing to invest time and effort in the development and maintenance of our podcast. 

If we lack passion and commitment, it is likely to be challenging to maintain motivation in the long term and overcome any challenges that may arise.

Another important aspect is the lack of understanding of the demands and responsibilities that come with having a podcast..

Some people underestimate the time and energy required to regularly produce quality episodes, promote content, and maintain a relationship with the audience.

It is essential to be realistic about the commitments involved and be willing to dedicate adequate time and resources for the growth and development of the podcast.

In summary, inadequate or unrealistic motivations can be a determining factor in the failure of a podcast.

It's important to have clarity about our goals, be genuinely interested in the topic, and be willing to invest consistent time and effort.

By setting realistic goals and maintaining authentic motivation, we will be better prepared to face challenges and increase the chances of success for our podcast. posibilidades de éxito de nuestro podcast.

Remember that, although motivations may vary from person to person, it is essential to consider these key factors to prevent them from becoming obstacles on our path to a successful podcast."

Inadequate content plans

One of the fundamental factors for the success of a podcast is having a solid and suitable content plan.

However, many podcasts fail due to the lack of a clear and consistent approach in this aspect.

Below, we will explore how inadequate content plans can lead to failure and what strategies we can implement to avoid this obstacle.

A common mistake is starting a podcast without a defined thematic focus.

If our content is too broad or lacks a clear direction, we may experience difficulties in attracting and retaining a specific audience.

It is important to identify a niche or specific topic in which we feel comfortable and have the potential to attract a committed audience.

By focusing on a particular area or theme, we can offer more relevant and engaging content for our target audience.

As an example, we can mention the podcast and community 'Creando Newsletter' by Chus Naharro..

Chus started creating content on different topics until he decided to focus on the unexplored niche of newsletters, with which he managed to differentiate himself.

Since then, he has not only built a strong personal brand but has also become a reference in his field, building a large community of newsletter enthusiasts around his podcast.

Additionally, it is essential to develop a coherent structure for our episodes.

This involves determining the duration, publishing frequency, and format of the episodes.

Listeners appreciate consistency and predictability, so it is recommended to establish a regular schedule and stick to it.

The lack of a clear structure can lead to confusion and loss of interest from the audience.

If publishing a podcast weekly is too much for us, commit to a bi-weekly frequency, but ensure to fulfill that promise.

Another common mistake is not paying attention to the needs and interests of our audience.

By knowing our target audience and understanding what type of content interests them, we can create episodes that meet their demands.

For this , we can conduct research, surveys,or interact directly with our listeners to get feedback on topics they would like to be addressed in the podcast.

By adapting the content to their preferences, we increase the chances of attracting and maintaining a loyal audience.


Getting This quality feedback is not easy at all.

Let's not be discouraged by the low response to our surveys or inquiries, but let's be consistent in them.

Even if we don't get more than one or two responses at the beginning, we should give it the same importance as if we were receiving thousands of them.

Also, it is important to consider the duration of the episodes.

If they are too long or too short, we may lose the listeners' attention.

We should consider the type of content we are offering and find an appropriate balance between depth and conciseness.

Additionally, ensure maintaining a suitable pace in the episodes to prevent them from becoming monotonous or tedious.

In this case, Emilcar can be a good reference.

We can listen to his short and specific 'Daily' or the more in-depth 'Weekly,' where he delves into topics for a longer duration.

To avoid problems associated with inadequate content plans, it is advisable to establish a long-term plan.

Define a list of topics to cover in future episodes and organize them based on their relevance and potential interest.

This will help us maintain a constant flow of content and avoid a lack of ideas or last-minute improvisation. flujo constante de contenido y evitar la falta de ideas o la improvisación de último momento.

In summary, inadequate content plans can be a determining factor in the failure of a podcast.

We must ensure to have a clear thematic focus, develop a coherent structure for episodes, and adapt the content to the needs of our audience.

Aloja tu podcast - Mumbler.io

Lack of proper promotion

And we arrive at the point where most podcasters and content creators fail: promotion. la promoción.

Get ready because if you overcome this obstacle, you will be very close to achieving all your goals.

No matter how amazing our content may be, if we do not promote it effectively, it will be challenging to reach a considerable audience.

In this section, we will explore the challenges of promotion and provide you with strategies to overcome them.

One common mistake is assuming that simply publishing episodes is enough to attract listeners.

However, the podcast market is highly competitive and quite saturated, meaning that we need to stand out from the crowd, and active promotion is essential for our podcast to be discovered and gain visibility.

An effective promotion strategy is leveraging social media. aprovechar las redes sociales.

We should create profiles on popular platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, or LinkedIn to share related content about our podcast.

There, we should post episode excerpts, promotional images, highlighted quotes, or announcements about upcoming episodes."

We should also join online groups or communities related to our topic and actively participate in discussions, providing genuine value and avoiding compulsive spamming. spam de manera compulsiva.

Additionally, it is important to collaborate with other content creators.

We should look for podcasts, blogs, or YouTube channels with audiences similar to those we want to attract and propose collaborations.

We can be guests on a related podcast, write a guest post on someone else's blog, or engage in a cross-promotion exchange (we promote a podcast in exchange for them promoting ours).

But we should always consider the value we can bring to both our audience and the audience of the other creator.

Another detail to consider is that we often want to connect or do crossovers with our role models or the leading creators in our niche.

However, we may find better opportunities in podcasts that are at the same level as us or even below us in terms of audience and followers.

Let's not dismiss any creator, no matter how small their audience may seem. 

Another effective strategy is to leverage podcast directories and platforms.

Make sure to list our podcast on popular sites like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and other relevant directories.

We should optimize our metadata, including a catchy title and an attractive description that grabs the attention of potential listeners.

The more platforms we use, the greater our visibility and potential reach.

In addition to online promotion, we have to consider offline promotion opportunities.

For example, creating promotional materials such as business cards, brochures, stickers, and distributing them at events related to our topic.

Participating in conferences, fairs, or live events will give us the opportunity to connect with people interested in our content and promote the podcast personally.

A simple QR code attached to the back of your mobile phone can bring dozens of visits to your podcast website in a single evening.

Lastly, let's not forget to interact with our audience actively and consistently. 

It is essential to respond to all comments and messages from listeners, encourage participation through questions and surveys, and involve them in content creation.

Satisfied listeners are more likely to share our podcast on their networks and help us promote it organically.

Don't get discouraged if you only have one comment when you start.

Respond to it and treat that listener as if they were unique (maybe they are), but it will be the first of many..

And if someday you can't keep up with responding to messages, it will be time to hire someone else to do it because you will have achieved success.

In summary, the lack of proper promotion is a common reason why some podcasts fail.

To overcome this obstacle, let's use social media effectively, collaborate with other content creators, list our podcast on popular directories, and seek offline promotion opportunities.

Additionally, we must interact actively and consistently with the audience to encourage their participation and loyalty."

Limited visibility

Visibility is another crucial factor that can lead to the failure of some podcasts.

Even if our content is excellent, if we fail to reach our target audience, generating sustainable growth will be challenging.

In this section, we will explore the reasons behind limited visibility and how we can overcome this challenge.

A common mistake is neglecting search engine optimization (SEO) practices when creating our podcast.

It's crucial that our program is easily discoverable on search engines, especially on popular platforms like Google or Apple Podcasts. 

Ensure to use relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags of the podcast.

Research the most searched keywords in our niche and incorporate them into our content to increase the chances of the podcast appearing in search results.

In addition to SEO, consider the importance of having a strong online presence.

Creating a website for our podcast to share information about episodes, host biographies, hostsadditional resources, and links to listen to episodes is fundamental.

A well-designed and navigable website enhances our credibility and makes it easier for listeners to find and share our content.

Moreover, a little secret we've shared in other articles is that many podcasts don't have their own website.

Creating a webpage for your podcast presents a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

Another key strategy to improve visibility is the effective use of social media.

Maintain active profiles on popular platforms where we can promote our episodes and engage with our audience.

From there, share intriguing snippets of episodes, eye-catching images, and use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of the content.

We can also leverage paid advertising options on social media to reach specific audiences and expand our reach.

With minimal investment, we can achieve significant results.

However, it's essential to note that we can't always be active on all social media platforms.

Start by choosing the social media platforms where we feel comfortable and believe our target audience may be.

Later, there will be time to expand to other platforms.

Additionally, the possibility of partnering with other content creators or influencers in our niche can be very interesting.

Through collaborations or by inviting prominent figures, we can tap into their audience to increase our visibility.

This allows us to reach listeners who might not have discovered our podcast otherwise.

Encouraging current audience participation is also crucial for increasing podcast visibility.

Don't hesitate to ask our followers to share episodes on their social media , leave positive reviews and comments on podcast platforms, and recommend the content to friends and family.

Word of mouth remains a powerful promotion tool and can help expand our audience organically.

Finally, consider participating in events, interviews, or collaborations with other popular podcasts in our niche.

It's confirmed that a significant portion of the podcast audience discovers new programs by hearing about them on their regular podcasts.

Don't lose sight of this excellent opportunity to reach a broad audience and generate interest in our podcast.

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Level of professionalism of the project

The level of professionalism of a podcast project is a critical aspect that can influence its success or failure.

Podcasts lacking a professional approach in terms of production, presentation, and overall quality may struggle to attract and retain an audience.

In this section, we will explore how the level of professionalism of the project can impact the performance of a podcast and how we can improve this aspect.

A common mistake is underestimating the importance of good sound quality.

Listeners value a clear and pleasant auditory experience, so it's essential to invest in proper recording equipment and ensure the audio quality is high.

Using quality microphones, eliminating background noise, and conducting sound tests before each recording to ensure good audio quality are some fundamental measures to take.

If the sound of our podcast is subpar, listeners are likely to abandon it and look for more professional content elsewhere.

In addition to sound quality, the presentation and style of the podcast are also crucial.

An unorganized or unprofessional approach can make the content less appealing to listeners.

We should have a clear structure in our episodes, including strong introductions and closures.

Use clear and concise language, avoid stuttering or awkward pauses, and work on improving communication skills.

If our presentation is professional and smooth, listeners will have a more enjoyable experience and be more inclined to keep listening.

Moreover, paying attention to details in the editing of episodes is crucial.

Eliminating errors, cutting unnecessary parts, and adjusting the volume to maintain consistent audio quality are also very important.

Good editing can make the difference between a polished podcast and a neglected one.

If we lack editing skills, we can consider the option of hiring a professional editor or investing time in learning to edit episodes effectively.

The truth is that YouTube is full of tutorials that are quite easy to follow.

Another important aspect is consistency in the release of episodes.

Successful podcasts usually have a regular and reliable schedule.

Establishing a publication calendar and sticking to it means we've already won half the battle.

Listeners appreciate predictability and expect new episodes on specific dates, and if we don't maintain a consistent schedule, we may lose the audience's attention and hinder growth.

Furthermore, we need to care about the visual aspect of the podcast.

For this, it's important to design an attractive cover that reflects the theme and style of our content.

A quality cover can grab the attention of potential listeners and make our podcast stand out among others.

As mentioned earlier, it's crucial to have a website or blog associated with the podcast or our niche to share additional information, resources, and links to previous episodes.

Lastly, let's not underestimate the importance of authenticity and passion in our project.

Listeners value emotional connection and authenticity in podcasts.

Let's show our enthusiasm and love for the subject, and let our personality shine through the presentation.

Genuine passion can be contagious and will help build a base of loyal followers.

As an example, my case with a podcast where I only talked about The Walking Dead serves as a reference.

Giving space to This quality feedback, the vast majority of the audience highlighted the passion with which I spoke about the series. My podcast wasn't the only one or the best, but undoubtedly, I was one of the most passionate when talking about it.

In summary, the level of professionalism of our podcast project can have a significant impact on its success.

Let's make sure to invest in quality recording equipment, improve presentation and editing skills, maintain a consistent schedule, and care about the visual aspect of the program.

Authenticity and passion are also fundamental in creating a connection with listeners, and by improving the level of professionalism of our project, we'll be in a better position to attract and retain a loyal audience."

Quality of audiovisual production

The quality of audiovisual production is a determining factor in the success or failure of a podcast.

Listeners expect attractive and well-produced content, both in terms of sound and visual aspects. 

In this section, we will explore the importance of audiovisual production quality in a podcast and how we can enhance it to keep our audience engaged.

A key aspect of audiovisual production is sound quality.

Listeners value a clear and pleasant auditory experience, so it is essential to ensure that the sound is of high quality.

Initially, we should use good-quality microphones (not necessarily expensive) and avoid recording in noisy environments.

Conducting sound tests before each recording to adjust the volume and eliminate any unwanted background noise is always helpful. 

Good sound quality ensures that listeners can clearly hear and understand the content.

In addition to sound, we must pay attention to the visual aspects of the podcast.

If we record videos or use visual elements in our content, make sure they are sharp and of good quality.

Use a high-resolution camera (it doesn't necessarily require a significant investment) and ensure proper lighting.

Low-quality or unprofessional videos can distract listeners and negatively impact the perception of the podcast.

Editing is another crucial aspect of the audiovisual production of a podcast.

Careful editing of episodes will help eliminate errors, cut unnecessary parts, and improve the overall flow.

For this, we can use any audio and video editing software that allows us to make precise adjustments and enhance the overall quality of the content.

Además, en la actualidad existen una gran cantidad de Artificial Intelligence tools que nos permiten controlar de manera automática varios de estos aspectos y hasta extraer fragmentos para utilizar en las redes sociales.

Clean and well-done editing enhances the listener's experience and showcases a high level of professionalism.

While the quality of audiovisual production is important, it's also essential to balance between quality and available resources.

It's not necessary to have an expensive production setup to achieve a successful podcast.

We can start with basic equipment and upgrade as the podcast grows.

The most important thing is to ensure that fundamental elements, such as sound and editing, are well taken care of and provide a satisfactory experience to our audience.

In addition to technical quality, style, and creativity in audiovisual production are also crucial.

Adding visually appealing elements like graphics, animations, or relevant images to enrich the listener and viewer experience can set us apart from other podcasts that may not incorporate them.

Let's be consistent with our visual style to create a recognizable identity among other programs.

The quality of audiovisual production is an integral part of the listener's experience.

Careful and high-quality production demonstrates professionalism, commitment, and can help attract and retain our audience.

Let's maintain a consistent focus on improving the quality of audiovisual production as we grow and evolve as creators.

In summary, the quality of audiovisual production is also essential for the success of a podcast.

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Difficulty in attracting an audience

Attracting and maintaining an engaged audience can be challenging for some podcasts.

The podcasting world is highly competitive, and tackling the complexity to stand out and capture listeners' attention is crucial.

In this section, we'll explore the reasons behind the complexity of attracting an audience and the strategies we can implement to overcome this challenge.

One factor contributing to the complexity of attracting an audience is the saturation of the podcast market. in the rankings.

With thousands of podcasts available on various topics, it's challenging to stand out.

To overcome this complexity, it's important to find a unique and differentiated proposition for our podcast.

Let's identify what special aspect or approach we can offer to our audience and communicate it clearly and effectively in our promotion and marketing efforts.

Lack of proper targeting can also make audience attraction difficult

Understanding our target audience and directing marketing efforts toward them is crucial.

Let's clearly define who we are addressing and tailor our content and promotional strategies to meet their needs and interests.

The more specific our audience niche, the easier it is to reach them and build a committed community.

Another challenge is the lack of effective promotion strategies.

Creating quality content alone is not enough; actively promoting it using different channels such as social media, email, and popular podcast directories is essential.

Establishing an audience database through an email form will help maintain direct contact with each person who listens to our podcast.

From there, we can send emails with additional content, future program communications, surveys, or highlight previous episodes.

Announcing collaborations with other podcasters, participation in events, or launches of new products, services, or content is also effective.

The possibilities for interaction through an email database are limitless, but to achieve this, we must consider three fundamental aspects:

  • Which tool to use?
  • What to communicate?
  • What to offer in exchange for the email address?

Currently, Substack is one of the most widely used tools by content creators as it greatly facilitates the discovery of new audiences and sharing on social networks.

At Mumbler, we are creating a tool for you to manage your database from the same place where you host your podcast and to send all communications from there to your listeners.

The lack of interaction with the audience can also be a factor that hinders the attraction of new listeners.

It is important to create a sense of community around your podcast, encouraging listeners to participate and share their comments and opinions.

For that, there is nothing better than establishing contact via email, responding to each email you receive, and sending frequent notifications through email with useful information that truly adds value to your audience.

Also, consider the possibility of offering additional or exclusive content to your most loyal followers.

This may include bonus episodes, early access to content, or discounts on related products.

By providing additional value to your audience, you will increase their engagement and loyalty, which, in turn, can help attract new listeners through word of mouth.

And for all of that, a newsletter is one of the best tools.

In summary, the challenge of attracting an audience in the world of podcasts is real but not insurmountable.

Let's define a unique proposition by segmenting the audience and implementing effective promotion strategies such as email communications.

Encourage interaction and offer additional content to build a committed community around our content.

As we manage to differentiate ourselves and connect with our audience, we can overcome the complexity and attract more listeners to our podcast.

Some conclusions about why podcasts fail

We have explored the reasons why some podcasts fail and how to overcome these challenges to achieve success.

We've seen that misguided motivations, inadequate content plans, lack of proper promotion, limited visibility, project professionalism level, audiovisual production quality, and the complexity of attracting an audience can influence a podcast's performance.

It's essential to remember that podcast success is not achieved overnight;

It requires time, effort, and perseverance.

By understanding the potential reasons for failure and learning from them, we can take steps to avoid making the same mistakes and continuously improve.

To have a successful podcast, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the motivations behind our project, ensuring genuine passion for the topic we cover, and a clear understanding of the audience.

This will help us develop appropriate content plans, providing value and relevance to the listeners.

Proper promotion is another crucial aspect of podcast success.

It's not enough to create quality content, we must also ensure that it reaches our audience by using effective marketing strategies and collaborating with other content creators.

In this regard, we must seize all opportunities to increase the visibility of our podcast.

Professionalism level and audiovisual production quality are fundamental aspects of attracting and retaining an audience.

Even with a limited budget, investing in quality recording equipment, improving presentation and editing skills, and paying attention to visual details to offer an attractive and professional experience to your listeners are essential to stand out.

The complexity of attracting an audience is a common challenge but not insurmountable.

Let's find our unique proposition by segmenting our audience appropriately, implementing effective promotion strategies, and encouraging interaction with listeners to build a committed community.

Ultimately, the success of a podcast requires a combination of passion, planning, quality, and effective promotion.

If we are willing to learn, adapt, and continuously improve, we have a better chance of overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals.

Remember that each podcast is unique , and there is no magic formula for guaranteed success.

Experiment, try different approaches, and maintain an open mindset to adapt as we progress on our journey as content creators.

But most importantly, don't be paralyzed.

We know that considering all this can be overwhelming and may lead us to stand still and do nothing.

However, everything starts with the first step.

Dare to take it and bring your vision of a successful podcast to life!

About the author

Content Manager at Mumbler.

Podcaster and content creator.

Passionate about communication and a fan of the WordPress community.

I talk about movies and series on Babel Infinito.

I talk about podcasting on Todo por Un Podcast.

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