Newsletter: 9 reasons to have one

Pol Rodríguez

If you are a content creator, it is highly recommended to have your own email database and a newsletter.

It is the secret weapon to not be at the mercy of the algorithms and legal conditions of social media and search engines.

But this is not the only compelling reason; in this post, we go through the 9 main reasons why you should have a newsletter if you don't have one yet.

Let's go.

Identify and quantify your audience

Many content creators have dispersed and unidentified audiences on various social networks: TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter...

This means they don't know who their followers are or how many there are.

If you can turn your social media followers into subscribers to your newsletter, you're building what I call"Real Audience."An identified audience that you can directly impact with an email whenever and however you want.

A real audience allows you not to depend solely on social networks and search engines, which can change their algorithms or policies at any time.

Build loyalty with a newsletter

With the newsletter , you manage to be present in your audience's life regularly and establish a relationship of trust.

It allows you to connect with your audience in a deeper and more meaningful way. You can share personal stories, tips, and reflections that you wouldn't share on other platforms.

The challenge is to provide value in each edition to ensure they open the next one. For this, it's important to reflect on everything we should include in our newsletter..

Newsletter: 9 reasons to have one -

Straight to the Inbox

When you post a tweet, for example, it doesn't reach all of your followers. Twitter's algorithm decides whether to give it reach or not based on its parameters—parameters designed to favor the social network, not you.

The same happens on TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn...

With a newsletter, you can reach directly into the inbox of your subscribers,bypassing the algorithms of social networks and search engines.

It's an open communication channel with your followers without any filters in between.

The best marketing channel

Despite seeming old-fashioned, email remains the best marketing channel in terms of the investment/benefit relationship. Nothing compares to it.

Despite you feeling like your inbox is saturated with emails, the truth is that most people use it daily and open a large percentage of the emails they receive.

It's indeed the case, and it's essential to leverage these opportunities.

An excellent traffic lever

If you manage to establish a trusting relationship with your readers, the newsletter can be a great tool to direct qualified traffic to the websites of your projects.

This way, every time you launch something new (a service, a product, content...), attend an event, or give a talk, for example, you can communicate it to your audience and achieve an impact in the form of sales, attendance, feedback... whatever it may be.

When you launch your paid content on Mumblertoo 😉

6. Branding

The newsletter is an excellent way to build a long-term relationship with your followers, which can be especially valuable if you are building a brand.

The newsletter allows you to position yourself as an authority on your topic,show that you master it, provide examples of success stories... something that undoubtedly helps build a powerful brand (whether personal or corporate).

7. Top of mind

Impacting your potential customer at the exact moment when your product/service/content fits their needs is very difficult.

This is why achieving "top of mind"is so important. It's about being present in their mind so that when the customer has the need that your product/service/content fulfills, they think of you immediately.

8. Segmentation

The newsletter allows you to segment your audience and send personalized messages to different groups of subscribers, which can significantly increase the impact of your messages.

And mind you, this is something that comes at a cost on social media. If you want to segment, you have to pay.

9. Feedback

Last but not least, with a newsletter, you can receive This quality feedback from your audience.

The best way to achieve product-market fit for your products/services/content is to talk to your audience, ask for their opinions, and design solutions they truly need.

You can use the newsletter to conduct surveys, gather feedback, and get to know your audience better, which can help you create more relevant and effective content.

A newsletter makes a difference

Many content creators have dispersed and unidentified audiences on various social networks. It's great growing your audience on social media, but it's not enough.

Followers on social media don't belong to you; they belong to the platform, and your ability to impact those followers is at the mercy of the algorithm's whims. If the algorithm wants your content to reach your audience, great, but if it doesn't... you're lost.

The newsletter gives you the opportunity to connect directly with your audience, without algorithms in the middle, and stay present in their lives.

In summary, a newsletter is a powerful and versatile tool that allows you to connect more deeply and meaningfully with your audience without depending on a third party.

So, don't hesitate any longer and launch yours!

Envia Newsletter -

About the author

Mumbler CEO & Cofounder. Slow content creator: newsletters, podcasts and videos.

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