Mumbler Blog

Create as a master

The best content for those who want to grow their audience and monetize their content. 

What is a podcast network and what advantages does it offer?

Joining a podcast network can benefit your content in various ways: Collaboration and extended reach. Monetization opportunities. Support and shared resources. Before delving into the advantages of joining such networks, let's explore what they are and how they function. What is a podcast network? A podcast network is... Read More


WAV vs MP3: What's the difference and which one is better for your podcast?

Understanding the difference between WAV and MP3 formats is crucial due to the impact...Read More

Benefits of creating a podcast if you have an NGO

Do you have an NGO? Here are three ways a podcast can strengthen..Read More

Alternatives to Patreon to monetize your content

Let's make it clear: 2024 is proving to be a great year for content creators.Read More

Tips for creating a good newsletter that people want to read

If you want to create a good newsletter that people want to read, you'll need to...Read More

Corporate podcasts: Guide to creating your company's podcast

Corporate podcasts have become a powerful tool for engaging with audiences, conveying information, and strengthening brand identity.Read More

Advantages and disadvantages of making a podcast

Podcasting, with its global reach and unique challenges, offers creators...Read More

How to plan a year of content for your podcast and newsletter?

Planning content for your podcast and newsletter can be much more than just a task.Read More

How to create a good Media Kit for your podcast

The growing competition and the struggle for audience attention have led to...Read More

How to manage a podcast with multiple hosts: Strategies for success.

Collaborating with different voices can add a unique dimension and attract...Read More

What do you need to record a high-quality podcast from home?

The podcast phenomenon has undergone significant growth, with...Read More

Create as a master

The best content for those who want to grow their audience and monetize their content. 
