Mumbler Pol

Mumbler CEO & Cofounder. Slow content creator: newsletters, podcasts and videos.


Generating over ā‚¬11,000 in 5 days with an audio course - Oriol Roda

Cuando descubrimos a Oriol Roda hace unos meses, alucinamos con los 60.000 susc....Read More

Combining services and digital products to reach six figures annually ā€“ Alex Llull

Alex Llull started studying audiovisual communication because he liked communication...Read More

How to Promote Podcast Episodes

Uno de los grandes retos que tienes como podcaster es promocionar los episodios....Read More

How to set the price for podcast sponsorship

"Una de las opciones que tienes para monetizar tu podcast de forma directa, es ....Read More

Monetizing a list of 1,000 subscribers by selling audio content ā€“ Santiago Torre

Throughout his 30-year professional career offering mentorship for...Read More

Monetizing a historical podcast ā€“ Emilcar

Emilio Cano (Emilcar) is a prominent figure in the Spanish-speaking podcasting world....Read More

The 7 key tips on how to improve the audio quality of your podcast.

You don't need to become a sound designer or get a master's in...Read More

The best tools for podcasters

In Mumbler, we are passionate about podcasts, podcasters, and... the tools for...Read More

Newsletter: 9 reasons to have one

If you are a content creator, it is highly recommended to have your own email database and a ...Read More
