Mumbler Crecer

Grow your audience

What is a podcast network and what advantages does it offer?

Joining a podcast network can benefit your content in various ways: Collaboration and extended reach. Monetization opportunities. Support and shared resources. Before delving into the advantages of joining such networks, let's explore what they are and how they function. What is a podcast network? A podcast network is... Read More


Tips for creating a good newsletter that people want to read

If you want to create a good newsletter that people want to read, you'll need to...Read More

What is an audiogram and how to create it for your podcast?

Audiograms represent a powerful and versatile tool to find out....Read More

The importance of tone in a newsletter

Email marketing has endured as one of the most effective and reliable strategies to...Read More

Tips for a successful newsletter

Having a successful newsletter can become one of the tools...Read More

What is the ideal frequency for sending a newsletter?

If you create content and have a contact base, defining the freque...Read More

Why do people listen to podcasts?

Have you ever stopped to think about why people listen to podcasts? While...Read More

Why do some podcasts fail?

The fear of not reaching our goals can paralyze us. How...Read More

How to make a podcast go viral?

The big unanswered question that concerns most content creators...Read More

How to Promote Podcast Episodes

Uno de los grandes retos que tienes como podcaster es promocionar los episodios....Read More

10 Ways to Grow Your Content Audience

Si estƔs buscando aumentar tu audiencia, has venido al lugar correcto. En ....Read More
