Mumbler: Creator Stories

Creator Stories

Creators grow faster on Mumbler. You can grow too.

Generating over €11,000 in 5 days with an audio course - Oriol Roda

When we discovered Oriol Roda a few months ago, we were amazed by the 60,000 subscribers to his newsletter. But we were even more astonished when, after just three months, that number had already surpassed 70,000. Read More

Creator Stories

Combining services and digital products to reach six figures annually – Alex Llull

Alex Llull started studying audiovisual communication because he liked communication...Read More

Monetizing a list of 1,000 subscribers by selling audio content – Santiago Torre

Throughout his 30-year professional career offering mentorship for...Read More

Monetizing a historical podcast – Emilcar

Emilio Cano (Emilcar) is a prominent figure in the Spanish-speaking podcasting world....Read More

De podcaster amateur a creador de contenidos pro: el cambio de mentalidad - Leo Menéndez

If you ask Leo Menéndez (Ajenoaltiempo) what day marked the beginning of his podcasting career, he'll tell you...Read More

Creator Stories

Creators grow faster on Mumbler. You can grow too.

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