Mumbler Leo Menéndez

Content Manager at Mumbler.

Podcaster and content creator.

Passionate about communication and a fan of the WordPress community.

I talk about movies and series on Babel Infinito.

I talk about podcasting on Todo por Un Podcast.

What do you need to make a podcast?

The world of podcasting has experienced exponential growth during the...Read More

Why it's not a good idea to publish your paid podcasts on Apple Podcasts?

Every time it is more common to find paid podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify...Read More

6 Ways to Promote and Sell a Book on Mumbler

Selling a book is by no means an easy task. Standing out among so many other writers...Read More

Tendencias de podcasts para 2024

¿Quieres saber cuales son las tendencias de podcasts para los próximos años?....Read More
