Content Creator Strategy

Pol Rodríguez

Usually, we content creators are great at what we do but not so good at other things, such as creating and sticking to a strategy..

En este post te hablo de la estrategia para creadores de contenido, y para ello recupero el contenido de una Mumbler newsletter to share with you what my content strategy would be if I were starting to create content in a specific niche right now.

The result was a list of steps that I’m sharing below:

Los 10 paso de una estrategia para creadores de contenido

1. Define your concept and align it with your personal brand

  • Choose a core topic on which to build your content. Examples: habits (James Clear), e-commerce (Jaime Mesa), newsletters (Chus Naharro), stoicism (Pepe García), podcasting (Emilio Cano).
  • Segment your audience through this unique concept, make it an integral part of your personal brand.

2. Choose a distribution platform

  • Is crucial focus on one platform (text or image) instead of trying to cover them all:
    • Text: Twitter (X), LinkedIn, Threads.
    • Image: TikTok, YouTube, Reels.
  • Do experiments with cross-posting.while always maintaining the same format across all platforms.

3. Align your digital footprint with your concept

  • Optimize your profile so that it clearly reflects your concept. It should explain:
    • What you talk about.
    • Why it matters.
    • Why people should trust you.
  • Talk about your concept consistently and make sure that everything you post is aligned with it.

4. Study and consume content related to your concept

  • Stay always informed. Read, watch videos, and listen to content in your niche to stay updated on trends and news.
  • Follow the leading accounts in your industry and turn on notifications to quickly engage with their posts.
Aloja tu podcast -

5. Create a free email course

  • Email courses are powerful tools for capturing leads, building relationships with your readers, and establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.
  • Guide your followers to this course and include a call to action in every post.

6. Launch a newsletter

  • Start to write consistently for your audience, sharing what you're learning along the way.
  • Save time for your readers by summarizing relevant and valuable information.
  • Through the course, newsletter, and social media posts, subscribers will see you as a subject matter expert.

7. Offer 1:1 consulting

  • Start with 50$/hour and gradually increase the price as demand grows.
  • Include a book link ... in your email signature.

8. Collaborate with other newsletters and start monetizing

  • Do cross-promotion with similar newsletters to reach new audiences.
  • Once you have 5,000 subscribers, you can begin offering advertising at $30 per CPM (1,000 subscribers).

9. Create a digital product aligned with your concept

  • Through the consultations and emails,you will identify recurring problems in your audience.
  • Create a digital product that addresses those issues, aligned with your concept. You will generate income and strengthen your brand.

10. Iterate and improve constantly

  • Stay on course and continue iterating on your strategy.
  • Ignore distractions disguised as opportunities, and focus on improving what you are already doing.

Content Creator Strategy

Esta estrategia no te va a servir al 100% ni tampoco vale para todos los casos, pero esta es la strategy for content creators. that I would follow now if I wanted to establish myself in a sector, and I'm sharing it with you in case it can serve as inspiration.

You can also listen to this strategy in audio format on the last Mumbler podcast episode.

That's it for this article. I hope you find it useful. What’s your strategy?

About the author

Mumbler CEO & Cofounder. Slow content creator: newsletters, podcasts and videos.

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